Information about your weight during your pregnancy offers information about your weight during your pregnancy.
What should be my weight gain?
Gaining weight when you are pregnant is perfectly natural, it is even recommended for the health of your baby. But if gaining too little weight can be detrimental to your health as
Use the BMI to calculate your weight
The most widely used indicator today to determine the weight status of a person is the BMI, or Body Mass Index. The BMI is used to calculate how corpulent a person is by making the rati
My expected weight gain
Based on the ideal weight and the actual weight before pregnancy, we can then use the Rosso curves to determine your theoretical weight gain during pregnancy
Weight gain spread in the pregnancy
During the first quarter, the weight gain is generally minimal, if not negative. Morning sickness can indeed become the most efficient moderator of your appetite in the first 12 weeks.
Dieting while being pregnant?
Dieting while being pregnant would be absurd and dangerous! But can you nevertheless eat anything you want? Ideally, you should eat a healthy and balanced diet.
Why gain weight during your pregnancy?
You are indeed going to gain weight, but what for exactly? In fact, only a fraction of your weight gain will increase your own (fat) reserves, the rest is only temporary.
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